Universal Waite Tarot Deck used with by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902. c. 1990 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. The Universal Waite Tarot deck is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Hey there, a warm welcome to Tarot talks! First and foremost, heartiest congratulations on taking your first baby step towards claiming your power back! And we will see how, shortly!

So, new here? Oh, new to tarot? Nothing to worry! There’s always first time for everything, and tarot is no exception! So chill and enjoy the journey.

Now let’s come to the main point. How can I claim my power back with tarot? Well, I firmly believe that tarot is a powerful tool that helps you connect with yourself! It shows us the mirror and more! It is not a mere fortune telling tool. In fact, I do not consider it as a fortune telling tool. It is a mirror that shows us our reality, which at some level we know, but refuse to acknowledge. It’s a mirror that gives a sneak peek into what lies in store based on your current vibrations.

So, now you know the current situation, the energies surrounding it, the blockages, the possible outcome! Now what? Are you just going to sit over it, doing nothing? Well, that’s a total wastage, ain’t it? Especially when tarot gives you a wonderful opportunity to bring about the changes that we want by making those right decisions, or taking those right steps! For example, if the possible outcome shows a little tension at work place. So are you going to just sit and worry or prepare yourself better to handle the situation? May be change your strategies or approach at workplace, or start looking out for a new job? The possibilities and opportunities are endless. It’s up to YOU how you make use of this information and opportunity. After all, we are the creators of our own reality, aren’t we?

So, are you ready to dive into your subconscious powers and create your own reality with the help of tarot? Let’s get going and claim your power back by reaching out to the cards for clear guidance! By now, if you are curious enough to see exactly how this works for you, go ahead and check out the available reading options here and pick one that best suits you!

Let’s seek the guidance within with this wonderful tool called Tarot! 🙂