Tarot reading space

At Tarot talks, I help you get that little nudge when you feel utterly lost! And trust me, a little nudge is all we need many-a-times!

About me

Hello there and welcome to Tarot talks! I am Vrishali Galinde. I am a technical writer by profession. Tarot talks has stemmed from my personal experiences that led me to the path of spirituality, to tap the power within, and thereby the realization that I need to give back to the world in whichever ways I can! Tarot talks is the platform through which I would like to provide you guidance in different aspects of life such as relationships, career, and finance.

A little about my spiritual journey

To begin with, I was not at all someone who will sit and meditate. In fact, I was not someone who could sit quietly for few minutes, let alone meditate. That doesn’t mean I was a non-believer of meditation. It just was not my cup of tea, or so I thought!

But well, life has it’s own way to teach you things, and I was no exception. After a series of unfortunate events, or rather I would like to put it as some life changing events, I landed up into spirituality. I had no choice but to sit down and calm myself through meditation, and I am oh-so- grateful to it now!

Coming back to how I became a Tarot reader, this is what happened! A couple of years ago, my cousin, who happens to be an astrologer, suggested me to start Tarot reading. But at that time, I was so caught up with challenges of life, and having zero knowledge of Tarot, I just pushed away the idea. In fact, Tarot was so Greek to me, that it immediately brought the images of witches that they show in movies, doing some fancy things. And honestly, the thought just freaked me out and I was a little irritated at what my cousin was asking me to do! Lol!!

But like I said, life has its own way and plans, no matter what we think or decide! So, in one of those tough days, I visited a Tarot reader with the same cousin. As soon as I sat opposite him, the first sentence he told me was “You can do my reading!!”. That was it! I just looked at my cousin, who was as speechless as I!

So that’s how I started taking it seriously. I started meditating more, building my intuition, seeking the guidance within, studying tarot cards, bought my first deck, and well, my journey as a tarot reader began! I am so grateful to my cousin, and the Tarot reader, who actually became the medium for me to understand my true calling, and gave me this great opportunity to guide people through my knowledge and gifts!

So far, I have had a blissful experience of doing readings for my clients, and I shall continue to serve people in every possible way!

Thank you each one of you who have helped me evolve as a soul, directly or indirectly!

Here’s wishing you happy reading and a blissful life!